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The Soap Tribune, Issue #190--soap for your plants April 06, 2023 |
Garden tips and tricksI start my seeds in my sunniest windows every year. This year, we've had a temperate Winter. I thought I had some fruit flies from my apple cider vinegar making adventures. I didn't understand why my fruit fly traps were not catching them.After talking with some of my farmer friends, I discovered that this is a common entomological challenge that all farmers face. Click the link below to see how you can easily and safely deal with aphids.
Water Conservation effortsWater conservation efforts are a big deal. Everyone, every industry, every business - big or small, uses water. Water is essential for life. How we use water is another matter. Moving water around the planet in plastic bottles is big business. Most people have some plastic bottle or jug filled with some small amount of something and a lot of water.Instant Liquid Soap is an easy way to pitch in in the world wide water conservation efforts. Click the link below
local food for your holiday menuIt's time for Spring holiday celebrations and your farmers market should have what you need.The Ithaca Farmers Market has fabulous meat farmers, growing a variety of healthy selections. What's in season in Early April in Central NYS? Click the link below to find out. Eat local delicious, nutritious food to celebrate Spring holidays. Know your farmers. Eat the food grown where you are. See you there!
How to exfoliate your skinWhat does exfoliation mean? Exfoliation is the action of removing dead skin cells and dirt build up on the skin's surface, thereby promoting new skin cell growth. New skin cell growth deep cleans the Ithaca Soap Beard and Body SoapIn the case of natural beard soap, your beard and body soap can be the same.Beards are exposed to more than just the elements. Air, dust, perfumes, indoor and outdoor fumes from cooking, car exhaust, HVAC systems, cleaning solutions, camp fires, and smells of all kinds love to stick to hair and sink in. Unlike the hair on your head, beards are also subject to everything you eat, drink and smoke (if you do such a thing). Click the link to read more Leave a sudsy review and receive a 25% off coupon
Small Biz RocksSupport local businesses wherever you go. Choose them first, if you have the opportunity.Instant Liquid Soap is now at Bear Minimum Goods in Nyack, NY Our retailers are great places to go! Check out The Nest Egg Woodstock, NY P and C Fresh Ithaca, NY The Crooked Closet Owen, WI Lexington Real Foods Buffalo, NY Greenstar Coop Ithaca, NY Check out our list of retail places to go and visit a new place. Stay at one of the B and B's that use our soap in their bathrooms.
Coupons are always available for youYou can get a 25% off coupon when you write a review for a product you've purchased. The review e mail should arrive 2 weeks after your purchase. Check your e mail for the link.All of the review, add your story, and comment submission coupons are different, so you can collect quite a few of them. They do not have expiration dates and you will receive a coupon with each of the story posts.
ShippingSince shipping is out of our hands, I have adjusted our free shipping offer to keep up with the changing times. Because you are Soap Tribune Subscribers, you have a free shipping coupon for orders of $75.00 or more. Simply copy and paste the coupon code in the shopping cart. This is the code "freeshippingtribune" I apologize for this extra step in the checkout process.
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