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The Soap Tribune, Issue #006--long nights
December 17, 2020

long nights

Winter Solstice- I am looking forward to toward longer days

hand soap news This is the finish of our 20th!! year at the Ithaca Farmers Market. What a long strange trip this year has been. Come down to the pavilion, get a rutabaga, and wish Andy a Happy Solstice. He'll give you a free LiXTiK Lip Balm with every $32.00 purchase.

Beeswax Lip Balm

Or mention "Happy Solstice" in the notes section of the shopping cart and which free LiXTiK Lip Balm you would like with a $32.00 purchase.

Offer good through 12/31/20
On a note from outer space, this Winter Solstice is a special one. It's the Great Conjunction when Jupiter and Saturn are in alignment. This hasn't happened in almost 800 years!!

Get out and see it. Right now weather reports are saying it's going to be cloudy in the Ithaca skies, but you never know which way the wind will blow.

Why is hand washing so important? Read the article below.

Waterless Hand soap
Hand washing has always been the best way to keep from getting sick. But with the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreaks, hand washing matters more than ever.

Coronavirus spreads easily. Hand washing prevents the spread of germs, including coronavirus.

Click on the link for more info... hand washing

Ithaca Farmers Market Sat. 12/19/20 10-2pm

Get soap in person. This is the last outdoor market until April 2021.

The Winter market starts up in Jan., 2021 indoors. We do not attend the Winter Market. You can order and pick up. We will ship it anywhere. You can go to one of our many retailers, who definitely need your support and you should get out once in a while. hand-soap-locations.html
Ithaca Soap Bars

We are giving away a free LiX Calendula Stik

with every order of $100 or more. They are made with our own garden grown calendula flowers.

LiX Calendula Stik

Free shipping on orders of $50.00 or more in the continental US

We ship world wide. I go through the trouble of finding the least expensive way to get what we make to you.

Rutabaga Curl 12/19/20

If you've never curled, this is usually a game played on ice with these tea kettle looking pucks, that you slide in an attempt to hit a target in a concentric circle court. Sort of like shuffleboard or bowling.

We, at The Ithaca Farmers Market's International Rutabaga Curl, have an agricultural twist and play with regulation rutabagas. These are grown specifically for the game. You can come as your own hand picked team, a protester, a cheerleader, a single player, a spectator.

Dress in costume, sporting attire, headdress. Whatever strikes you as appropriate for the player you wish to be. This is another occasion where masks can be fun.

We have had teams travel from the other side of the world to play and been featured on NPR's "It's only a Game"

Dress for the cold temps. This is a winter sport. Our court is in the market pavilion. I have no idea how things will play out this year, but usually there's a fire to warm your hands, and venders feature hot cider and hot chocolate, and rutabaga treats.

All ages welcome. Prizes. Lots of laughing. IFM Rutabaga Curl

Did you notice that you can get two 15% off coupons? One at and one you received when you signed up for this newsletter.

Take advantage until I figure out how to connect the 2...They do not expire and you can only receive 1 discount per order. They are only good for web orders. Give the gift of good soap on the go. Buy in bulk and spread the idea that soft hands is possible in the age of washing your hands a lot. WHS Link

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